Here are the results of Saturday's Macomb Christmas Bird Count. Thank you to everyone who counted both in the field and at feeders! A big thanks to everyone who brought soup, snacks, and desserts to the tally and to the staff at Stony Creek Nature Center for hosting us.
Despite a lot of frozen water and waterfowl numbers being noticeably lower than usual, we had a great count with 73 total species recorded. Although there were no new birds for our count this year, we had one record high count (Yellow-bellied Sapsucker).
Have a safe and happy holiday season and good birding in 2025! The complete results can be found on our Macomb Audubon website or the National Audubon website: Go to Access Count Results (scroll down a bit), continue to Current Year then choose Results by Count and enter Western Macomb County's Code MIWM. Lastly click the circle under the # sign.